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TBSP: Owen the Gentleman




The Basics

Name: Owen

Aliases: The Gentleman, Owl
Gender: Male
Spawn point: Caged Jungle
dB: 0

Physical Traits

Physical appearance: A short bipedal avian-like creature that resembles a Horned Owl.  His forearms have adapted to be more like the arms of a human, with long feathers lining the arm from the wrist to the elbow.  His legs and clawed hands are featherless and rough to the touch, as is his long reptilian tail.  At the tip of the tail is a large bush of feathers, which appear useful for helping him steer during flight.  The longer feathers on his head are tied back in a ponytail.
Voice: Something like this
Height: 72cm (2'4")
Weight: 3kg (6.6lbs)


Positive Personality Traits
[Calm] - Owen always maintains his composure, at least in public.  He appears to put little emphasis on emotion when it comes to swaying his actions and thoughts, and almost always keeps his cool.  This trait is especially apparent in emergencies, where Owen barely seems fazed when most everyone is panicking around him.

[Polite] - In speaking, Owen is incredibly polite with a gentlemanly aura to him.  This trait, along with his superficial kindness, makes it relatively easy for others to like him.  He also has excellent manners and is incredibly courteous.

[Optimistic] - Even when times are rough, Owen always manages to look on the bright side.  He generally keeps an upbeat persona to him, and appears cheerful even when feeling down.  The only time you'll ever see him not acting in a cheerful manner is when he's feeling a strong negative emotion.

[Cunning] - While he might not be the most intelligent in terms of scholarly success, Owen is certainly rather skilled at thinking on the spot.  He is skilled at tricking others, and his charisma aids him in convincing them of his ideas.  His cunning can also be useful for getting out of tough spots.

Negative Personality Traits
[Unsympathetic] - One of Owen's major weaknesses is his lack of empathy.  He sees others more as tools than actual thinking, feeling beings, and so believes he has the right to mold them to his will.  This lack of empathy also play into his emotionless persona.

[Manipulative] - Being a rather unsympathetic creature, Owen tends to manipulate those who put their trust in him.  He has very little respect for others, even those that consider themselves his friend.  Therefore, he sees no wrong with his manipulative actions.

[Cruel] - A sadist at heart, Owen enjoys torturing others.  This includes both physical pain and psychological torment, playing with both his victim's emotions and their body.  However, he will not torture someone without giving a "warning" first; it's his form of politeness.

[Stubborn] - Owen does not like his opinions being challenged.  He is highly adamant in his views, and will react poorly to others trying to sway him.  In fact, he is likely to force his opinions onto others, believing his views to be the only "correct" ones.

-Meeting new people
-Sour food
-High places

-Being insulted
-Bright lights
-The colour pink
-Being mistaken for a girl

Skill Set

[Making Connections] - Owen is not known as The Gentleman for no reason.  His suave persona and charming way of speaking makes people warm to him rather quickly, and while he doesn't tend to make "friends" per se he certainly makes many useful acquaintances.

[Trickery] - Being a cunning and charismatic fellow, Owen is very good at tricking people.  He often uses this to manipulate them, but can also use this skill to play practical jokes or make someone believe a lie.

[Knife Work] - Anything that involves a knife, Owen is likely to be relatively good at.  He is especially skilled at using it in battle, but is also a decent carver.

[Carving] - Using the kunai knife he uses as a weapon, Owen can craft art by carving into various objects.  He most often carves abstract designs, but what he creates usually depends on his mood.

[Reading] - Despite the limited availability of reading material available to him, Owen does like to occupy himself with books.  Sometimes, when he's extremely bored, he will carve words into trees just so that he has something to read.

[Sparring] - Owen rarely spars with others, however he will practice his skills by using trees and bushes like punching bags.  He will spar with others if challenged, however.

[Hunting] - Although he never actually kills anything...or even properly hunts anything...Owen does enjoy pretending that he's chasing after some wild animal to slaughter it.  If you happen to get in his way during one of these hunting expeditions, watch out!  He will most likely cut you unless you run for the hills.

Items: N/A

Skill Set
Attack: 2/5
Defense: 0/5
Speed: 4/5
Agility: 5/5
Endurance: 2/5

Sanity: 1/5
Confidence: 3/5
Bravery: 1/5
Intelligence: 4/5
Charisma: 5/5

Weapon Owen carries around a small kunai knife, which he often conceals by holding his hand behind his back.  While the knife itself does not have any special properties, Owen can utilise it in hand-to-hand combat and as a throwing weapon over short distances.  One drawback of the weapon is that it is rather small and offers little to make up for his lacklustre defense.


Code: :bulletwhite: Neutral, :bulletblue: Friend, :bulletgreen: Close Friend, :bulletpink: Crush, :bulletred: Love, :bulletpurple: Respect, :bulletyellow: Dislike, :bulletblack: Enemy, :bulletorange: Unsure

Owen currently has no relationships

RP Information

Time Zone: NZST (New Zealand Standard Time) or NZDT (New Zealand Daylight Time)
My time zone changes due to daylight savings. I will cross out the zone that doesn't apply.

✔   Notes | My preferred method of role-play.  Please, if we do start a role-play in Notes, do NOT delete the text every time you reply!  I will most likely lose my place otherwise
✔ Skype | Note me for my username
X   Chats | The dAmn network most often doesn't work for me
✔  Comments | Though I prefer Notes

✔  G/PG
✔  PG-13
✔  Mature | I'm okay with blood/gore, but please no sexual themes
X  Crack | I do not enjoy sexual content

From Wolves-of-the-Pindos (I'll write one with Owen later)

Rowena shook herself awake as she emerged from the den, glancing skyward towards the rising sun.  She yawned, exposing a set of sharp canines, before heading down the mountain towards the forest below.  Her footsteps were light upon the rocky mountain side, barely making a sound as the silver-furred lupine descended the peak.  Finally her paws touched grass, her pace slowing to a trot as she entered the relative shade of the forest.

As she sniffed and listened for any sign of life, a snapping twig caught her attention.  Her ears flickered as she turned towards the sound, her gaze focusing on a rabbit nearby.  The rabbit nibbled on the grass, unaware of the predator watching her from across the way.  Rowena smiled; this was her chance.

Careful so as not to alert it, Rowena lowered herself to the ground and crept carefully towards the rabbit.  As she came within pouncing distance the rabbit reared up, its nose twitching as it sensed danger.  Not wanting to let the opportunity go, Rowena leaped out and attempted to grab the rabbit in her powerful jaws.  The rabbit quickly turned and fled, with the wolf giving chase behind it.  Despite the size difference between them, Rowena's stocky build was not designed for speed; the rabbit easily made its getaway.

Grunting, Rowena sidled towards a nearby bed of grass and lay down on top of it, resting her head lazily on her paws.  There was no point going after it now, and she was too lazy to find another target.  Besides, a little nap never hurt anyone...right?


Nothing yet
Image size
1020x751px 1.34 MB
© 2014 - 2024 ethanoI
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faevoir's avatar
whoah this guy is RAD!